Clean, simple web site for a local law firm gets the job done

Created for:

Ross and Ross, Attorneys at Law
Ipswich, Massachusetts

The Assignment

Ross and Ross is a well-respected local law firm with a long-term presence in Ipswich, Massachusetts. (Their office is in an historic building on Market Street in Ipswich Center. And the family has been in Ipswich since an ancestor arrived in the 1600s.) But they had no presence on the Internet, and they realized the time had come. Our assignment: To develop, write and produce a simple, dignified and informative web site for Ross and Ross.

What this web site does …

• Local photos help people place Ross and Ross in their minds
• Headline addresses question the Ross and Ross lawyers hear most often
• Simple site introduces the firm and makes it easy to contact them

How Patrice Robertie | Acorn Advertising helped …

By developing the concept and writing the copy, we help clients have web sites that are perfect for their businesses and their goals.

“Ideas presented in your web site should flow in a logical fashion, anticipating your prospect’s questions and answering them as if the questions were being asked face-to-face.”

~ Joseph Sugarman, in Advertising Secrets of the Written Word